Training attended by Teachers

1. One day workshop conducted by Kendriya Vidhyalaya about G 20, NEP and FLN. (On 15/6/2023)

2. NEP based training at SNPS Vadakkevila, on 5/8/2023

3. Effective planning active becoming, Role of teachers in Class room and LSRW.
Resource Person: Mr. Rajaram Malladi (Member of quality council) from S Chand Publications on 7/10/2023 at SNPS, Vadakkevila.

4. 14/10/2023 @ SNPS Vadakkevila
Cyber safety and Security.

5. 22/9/2023 & 23/9/2023 (Hyderabad)
Hindi Diwas Samaroh (Madhubun Publications)

6. 3/11/2023 at Hotel sea palace
Effective Hindi Language Teaching in Line with NEP
Resource person: Mr. Trilok Nath Pandey.

7. COE Training: 12/4/ 2024 and 13/4/2024
CBSE Induction Training Programme (Guru Daksha)
Venue: BRM Central School, Kottarakkara
Resource persons: Ms Mrudhula H R & Mr. Balagopal M

8. 18/5/2024 @ Sree Budha Central School
Resouce Person : Mr: Krishnadas P

9. 5/7/2024 Capacity Building Programme (CBSE)
Resource persons: Balagopal M & Saboora Beegum

10. 30/8/2024 & 31/8/2024 (CBSE@ Oxfor Publilc School)
Resource Person: Vishnu Satheesh & Preethi Rajan
Competence Building in English at Secondary Level

11. Hindi Work shop: 16/11/2024 Holistic development and Art Integration
Smt. Sudha Trivedhi (Hotel Sea Pearl)

12. 23/11/2024: Foundations of Wonder Exploring the NCF Foundational stage.
Dr. Dhanya Bhaskaran. (Macmillan Education India)

13. 6/11/2024 Embracing Transformation in Education
Dr. Kamarajini and Mr. Linto John (Ratna Sagar)

14. 30/11/2024 (Password Publications)
Resource person: Unni Ammayambalam

15. 18/11/2024 KMJ Central School. Pallimukku
Resource Person: Praveena Nair
Topic: Leaner Centric Approach to Teaching

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